"For Those Who Dare": Short Biographies To Take You Through Time

“For Those Who Dare: 101 Great Christians and How They Changed The World” by John Hudson Tiner is a fabulous read because it transports you through time - across great discoveries, inventions, and ideas that changed the world.

For Those Who Dare. Short Biographies That Take You Through Time of Great Discoveries, Inventions, and Ideas That Changed the World. Book Review. Connect Learning Studio

The biographies start with Roger Bacon in 1220 (check out our first blog post to see a fabulous Roger Bacon quote) and ends with several people who are still alive today!

What I Love About the Format:

  • Each biography lists the birth and death year of each featured person.

  • Also noted is their “Career” and their “Major Accomplishments”

  • All the biographies are short - generally 2-3 pages

Other Notes:

As designated in the title, this book was written about people of Christian faith. The accounts are obviously summaries of people’s lives, but seem to be well researched and balanced.