CLS. No Time. About

You have to make sure your kid reads enough, plays enough, eats enough, and sleeps enough.

When do you have TIME to find the quality resources that will encourage your child in a well-rounded education, but aren’t dry and boring?

Because of the internet, you know there are no end of options: from the millions of things at Walmart & Amazon to the thousands of small shop owners with carefully crafted items.

I know the options are daunting. But I love discovering, creating, and sharing the best of the best for a wonder-filled education.

Connect Learning Studio is here for you - to be your partner in your mission to provide the best education for your student.


Connect Learning Studio Creator

Hey there!
I’m Kristin.

I have always loved to learn.

(I remember getting science books for my birthday in elementary school… oh, and one from my sister just a few Christmas’ ago - haha!)

I also have always loved to teach. There is something special about knowing something and getting to share it with someone else!

Even though I did get a college degree, I’ve been in the private education realm for over 10 years as a self-employed educator. I’ve tutored on-on-one and have taught in a classroom setting (math, science, writing, history, and more) for ages PreK to College, and most recently as a teacher for an online private school!

My Educational Philosophy

I believe that God is the Creator of the Universe, and one of the ways we delight in Him is through studying (and the application of our studies).

I believe that because He created us, we should explore education with all the senses and have freedom to experiment with various techniques (He was the first model of being CREATIVE!).

As a life long learner, I hope to always seek for a balance between digital and paper AND knowledge and experiences.

Every student is different in their preferred methods, and I believe through modern education (between books, videos, toys, paper, pens, articles, and more), we have the privilege to experiment and customize to each individual student in a way never before in history.

It is my hope and prayer that “Connect Learning Studio” is place that encourages and impacts you.

“Great are the works of the Lord;
They are studied by all who delight in them.
Splendid and majestic is His work,
and His righteousness endures forever.
He has made His wonders to be remembered;
The Lord is gracious and compassionate.”

Psalm 111:2-4