Homeschool in Northwest Arkansas

Getting Started: File a Notice of Intent

Arkansas is considered a low-regulation state for rules governing “home schooling.”

The primary piece of information necessary to begin your homeschooling journey is that you must file a “Notice of Intent” for your student(s) with the Department of Education

Direct Link to the Notice of Intent page

See below directly from the Department of Education on the purpose & deadlines concerning the “NOI”
(excerpts captured 1/24/2024)

What happens if you miss the August 15th deadline?

File your “NOI” as soon as possible

Arkansas Notice of Intent. Highlighted. Homeschool

Have questions or need help with knowing more about the legality of Arkansas home schooling?

Go directly to the source: Arkansas Department of Education (Division of Elementary and Secondary Education)

Official Document: Arkansas Department of Education : Rules Governing Home Schools (PDF Link // effective May 29, 2023)


How does the LEARNS Act affect homeschoolers?

There is not a clear determination yet if home schoolers will be able to access funding via the L.E.A.R.N.S Act of 2023 or what regulations will be tied to funding. (8/19/23 Article “How Does the AR Learns Act Voucher Work?” and an updating “Guide to LEARNS Act” by the Arkansas Gazette)

Is there mandatory yearly state testing?

As of 2015, there is no mandatory testing for home school students (Act 832 of 2015)

Check out the Education Alliance’s FAQ page for even more frequently asked questions.

Support for getting started:

Education Alliance

HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association)

Any commentary and links are updated as possible, but should not be considered legal advice.

Reach out directly to the Department of Education with any questions or concerns.