*new 2020-2021 course!*
American History
with Civics Emphasis
An upper middle school & high school level course covering
American History featuring a Civics emphasis
Students will complete 5 lessons per week to learn about the history of the United States through a variety of curated videos and selected readings (including source documents).
(see Semester 1:“Civics in 60 Lessons” sequence below)
*included in the course: lesson materials, specialized course notebook for lesson notes (mailed directly to you - no printing!), and a weekly live online instruction and check-in.
American History with Civics Emphasis
(12 Live Online Sessions & Instructor Access)
Fall Semester: $299/student
60 Lessons
Students will receive a printed notebook (by mail) to take notes, make sketches, and record answers to questions on the selected readings/videos/lectures.
Special Focuses: 10 Biography Highlights and the 50 States Focus
*Lesson materials will be released Monday, August 31st
Weekly Live Online Sessions
1hr 15min Live Online - Weekly!
Tuesdays at 9AM PST/11 AM Central Standard Time
Tuesdays at 10:30AM PST/12:30PM Central Standard Time
Live Online Sessions start September 1st-November 17th (12 Weeks)
Each class must have minimum of 6 students. Maximum class size will be 12 students.
Online Live Steaming: Google Meet/Hangouts
Lesson Materials delivered: Google Classroom
The instructor will not issue grades for this course, but will send a Participation & Progress report at 6 weeks & at the conclusion of the course to the students’ parents for consideration.
Expectations for Students:
To complete assigned weekly work in order to participate in questions & conversation about what they learned during the weekly live online session. The instructor may ask for student’s to send a photo of their notebook from a particular lesson or to email a written response to a question pertaining to a lesson from that week.
Not interested in having a live instructor?
Civics in 60 Lessons (Semester 1) is available for purchase.
The course will include the 60 lessons (see scope & sequence below) and the downloadable-printable PDF of the student notebook.
*the “Civics In 60 Lessons” (course only) materials will release weekly starting on September 2*
What is Civics?
Civics is the study & knowledge of the rights and duties of a citizen.
As a part of legal process to naturalize as a citizen in the United States, applicants must answer 6 out of 10 questions asked of them from the U.S. Citizenship Test Questions (100 total).
The first semester of this course covers a broad history, government structure & process, and general knowledge of well-known U.S. icons & documents that create a foundational understanding (and hopefully appreciation) that every citizen should have as they seek to live peacefully in their communities - enjoying (& protecting) their freedoms to do so.
Scope & Sequence
Semester 1: Civics in 60 Lessons
Week 1
Government: Types of Government
Government: Local – State – Federal
Government: Voting & Jury Duty
American Icons: Major Geography
Biography Highlight
Week 2
Major Events: Original Colonies
Major Events: War for Independence
American Documents: Declaration of Independence
American Icons: National Anthem & Patriotic Songs
Biography Highlight
Week 3
Government: Constitution & Amendments
Government: Constitution & Amendments
Government: Constitution & Amendments
Government: Constitution & Amendments
Government: Constitution & Amendments
Week 4
Government: Branches of Government
Government: Congress
Government: President & Cabinet
Government: Supreme Court & Federal Courts
Biography Highlight
Week 5
Major Events: 1800s at a Glance
Major Events: Civil War
Biography Highlight
Government: Military
Government: Police & Fire Department
Week 6
Government: Public Utilities
Government: Post Office
Government: Public Library
Government: Public Education
Biography Highlight
Week 7
Major Events: Westward Expansion
Major Events: Industrial Revolution
Biography Highlight
American Icons: American Bison & Bald Eagle
American Documents: Sherman Anti-Trust Act and Pure Food & Drug Act
Week 8
Major Events: Turn of the Century
American Icons: Statue of Liberty
Major Events: World War 1
Biography Highlight
American Icons: National Parks
Week 9
Major Events: Depression
Major Events: Dust Bowl
Major Events: World War 2
American Documents: WW2 Propaganda Posters
Biography Highlight
Week 10
American Icons: Federal Holidays
Government: Highways & Railroads
Major Events: Space Age
Biography Highlight
Major Events: 1900s at a Glance
Week 11
Economics: Types of Businesses
Economics: Currency
Economics: Inflation & Federal Reserve
Economics: Taxes
Economics: Real Estate
Week 12
Major Events: September 11, 2001
Major Events: Technology Age & Social Media
Biography Highlight
American Icons: Pledge of Allegiance & Flag
Personal Qualities of a Good Citizen
*start date TBD
Semester 2: Overview of American History
(Tentative Schedule)
Week 1: Colonial America
Week 2: War for Independence
Week 3: 1800s
Week 4: Civil War
Week 5: Westward Expansion
Week 6: Industrial Revolution
Week 7: Turn of the Century
Week 8: World War 1 &1920s
Week 9: Depression & Dust Bowl
Week 10: World War 2
Week 11: Post World War 2
Week 12: Technology Age & Social Media
American History with Civics Emphasis
(12 Live Online Sessions & Instructor Access)
Fall Semester: $299/student
Live Online Sessions (1hr 15min)
start September 1st-November 17th (12 Weeks)
Each class must have minimum of 6 students. Maximum class size will be 12 students.
Online Live Steaming: Google Meet/Hangouts
Lesson Materials delivered: Google Classroom